Miller Magazine Issue: 150 June 2022
69 COVER STORY MILLER / JUNE 2022 Turkey. The war in Ukrain, started a few months later than commissioning of this project, demon- strates vitality of grain storage for survival of coun- try’s economy. So Cey Group Tekirdag Port Grain Storage Facility helps food management and food security of Turkey as well as countries in Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Beside negative effects of Covid-19, we also wel- comed positive effects of pandemic in food-related sectors. But the war in Ukrain totally hit supply of grains and steel. Demand for grains and steel rised while raw material supply chain were destroyed. The raw materials become more expensive and manufacturers have to create new strategies to get advantage against competitors. So Altinbilek man- ages crises perfectly by help of Group’s strong fi- nancial structures to create sufficient stock of raw material to manufacture grain systems. Covid-19 and Ukrain war indicates that following days will testify new investment in countries de- pended on imported grains to survive local econ- omies. National food stocks as well as grain stocks will keep priority in economics and politics of Miidle East, North Africa as well as Sub-Saharan African countries. So main demand for grain storage plants should be rising from these regions who have been suffered by starvation, malnourishment and self-in- sufficient. So high demand from these regions will also effect investments in grain storage plants in producer countries like the Easter Europe, Central Asia and South America. Food security programs keep importance for na- tional security of each country. Stocking of grains becomes more important during crises and each country has to shape its own destiny. Grain silo manufacturers will be receiving more demand when investors get rid of first shock vawe of chaos in world economy because of the war in Ukrain while removing precautions of Covid-19 pandemic.
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