Miller Magazine Issue: 151 July 2022
69 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2022 It is very important to have effective and efficient produc- tion as possible to keep the mill business running in time with hard competition. Mill maintenance management is one of the most important things that ensure this aim by avoiding unexpected downtime and late deliveries. Maintenance involves all activities which enable mechanical systems to show desired and anticipated performance at all times. Performing maintenance according to today’s technology is only possible by adopting a systematic and methodologic understand- ing and engineering perspective. Successful maintenance means to help all elements of the system to fully complete their economic and nominal lifetime. Maintenance can be defined as all kinds of activities like repairs, replacements, inspections, etc. to maintain the working of buildings and equipment during their desired life expectancy. Maintenance, re- pair and technical service are significant since they affect the lifetime of milling machines and ensure they work non-stop at desired levels. Maintenance aims to decrease costs, increase production ef- ficiency and product quality, ensure production continuity and personnel safety, and increase useful life. If those activities are performed as immediate defect handling, this is called ‘reactive maintenance’. If scheduled maintenance is performed in a con- trolled way, this is called ‘proactive maintenance’. Predictive main- tenance, which is more prominent than other maintenance meth- ods, enables to perform maintenance accurately and adequately before actual breakdown occurs according to data coming from the equipment that is being tracked. We have three great contributors for our Mill Maintenance Man- agement cover: Temel Harmankaya, Business Development Director at Selis; Prof. Farhan Alfin, a prominent milling technologist and Dr. Ni- hat Çankaya, an esteemed lecturer at Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Vocational School Department of Food Processing. In his ar- ticle for Miller Magazine, Mr. Harmankaya focuses on the advantages of preventive maintenance management. Prof. Alfin gives detail on Computerized Maintenance Management Software Systems. Lastly, Dr. Nihat Çankaya elaborates on the advanced technology use in maintenance activities. Mill Maintenance Management
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