Miller Magazine Issue: 151 July 2022
74 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2022 Prof. Farhan Alfin Food Engineer and Milling Technologist In the past, CMMS software was essentially a spreadsheets data repository, but now CMMS allows to reap the benefits of proven, leading technologies such as IoT technology, mobile devices, wireless access, and configurable dashboards of maintenance environment data. CMMS system allows to a preventive mainte- nance schedule to be programmed to generate automatic tasks and then work orders to the maintenance team. Maintenance management softwares In my previous articles “Mill Maintenance Meth- ods” Miller Magazine, 12(101), and “Mill Maintenance in The Age of Industry 4.0” Miller Magazine, 14(127), I mentioned that it is common to use specialized soft- ware to plan a preventive or predictive maintenance schedule, which is called “Computerized Mainte- nance Management Software (system)” or CMMS. CMMS mainly is designed to simplify and streamline the maintenance operations management process. In the past, CMMS software was essentially a spreadsheets data repository, but now CMMS allows to reap the benefits of proven, leading technologies such as IoT technology, mobile devices, wireless ac- cess, and configurable dashboards of maintenance environment data. To understand the functions and advantages of CMMS, we should know the mainte- nance workflow. What is Maintenance Workflow? Maintenance operation workflow is the step-by- step process that gets initiated by trigger event, which could be a report of faulty equipment, then generating a maintenance order, the planning of the task, the execution of the repair and the reporting at the end of the maintenance process. Every organiza- tion should have a workflow process and document it officially as a standard way of the maintenance pro- cedure. There are four main stages in a maintenance pro- cess: Stage 1: Trigger event: Like a report of a fault or a preventive maintenance scheduled event. Stage 2: Work order: The maintenance task is planned. A planner will settle the parts issued to technicians and time allocated for known tasks. Stage 3: Repair or executing the order: The work will be completed by restoring the equipment to nor- mal operating conditions. Stage 4: Reporting: Maintenance task reports from maintenance technician can be evaluated by management to check the performance of the main- tenance and identify opportunities for improvement.
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