Miller Magazine Issue: 151 July 2022
81 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2022 •Energy consumption increases. •During the downtime, the production team re- mains idle and labor costs increase. •With a small budget to be allocated for maintenance, downtimes are significantly reduced. If this budget con- tinues to increase, the downtimes will not continue to decrease at the same rate (Figure 1). •The resulting malfunctions cause significant dam- age to the machines. For example, a problem that can be solved by chang- ing only one bear- ing during the main- tenance period, in case of failure, also disrupts the machine housings, causing an incomparable increase in mainte- nance costs. For this reason, while deter- mining the targeted breakdown time rate and the budget al- located for it, other costs caused by the breakdown should also be taken into ac- count (Figure 2). 3. BASIC MAINTENANCE TERMS The main purpose of maintenance activities; it is to ensure the elimination of downtimes that will cause the production to stop unexpectedly. Today's main- tenance management is evaluated under the follow- ing three main headings. These; It is named as Fail- ure Maintenance (Repair of Unexpected Failures), Periodic Maintenance (Planned Maintenance) and Preventive Maintenance (Proactive Maintenance). Failure maintenance includes repairing and re-commissioning the malfunctioning machine. The occurrence of the malfunction is due to the inabil- ity to perform the desired maintenance. However, some malfunctions occurs due to unavoidable con- ditions, too. Periodic maintenance is the classical solution method applied to prevent unexpected downtimes, and it is the maintenance of the machines at regular intervals in order to ensure the smooth operation of the machines. In this maintenance, life parts such as bearings are replaced. The abrasions in the ma- chines are detected, the problems that cause this are eliminated. The missing oils are added or re- placed. Moving parts are lubricated. Preventive maintenance, on the other hand, is the whole of activities carried out to completely elimi- nate the need for periodic maintenance, to extend the maintenance period, to make repairs by pre- dicting the points where malfunctions may occur, and to reduce maintenance costs. It is an activity in which technology is also used inten- sively, and it is the highest point of to- day's maintenance philosophy. It is the type of mainte- nance that should be taken as a basis, especially for busi- nesses that work 24 hours a day. The philosophy of the activities to be car- ried out within the scope of preven- tive maintenance, which is a proactive approach, can be listed as follows. 1) The primary goal is to identify the equipment in need of maintenance and replace them with main- Figure 1. Breakdown Time Rates obtained with the budget allocated for maintenance. Figure 2. The ratio of the repair cost to the other costs caused.
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