Miller Magazine Issue: 151 July 2022

82 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2022 tenance-free equipment. An example of this is the elimination of oil change by replacing oily vacuum pumps with oil-free vacuum pumps. 2) If the need for maintenance cannot be eliminat- ed for technological or financial reasons, changes should be made to extend the period of periodic maintenance. An example of this is the doubling of the oil change period by using synthetic oil instead of changing the oil every year using mineral oil. 3) By using high technology, the potential for dis- ruption should be determined in advance and the need for planned maintenance should be postponed as much as possible. An example of this is the use of Jetmaster type artificial intelligence-based ad- vanced control devices in jet pulse filters. Thanks to this device, problems in filter bags can be detected just in time. Bag change times can be determined by measuring clearly. Thus, the maintenance period is extended as much as possible, but maintenance is carried out before a malfunction occurs that may stop production. 4) Risk analysis should be done by listing all the malfunctions that may occur while the maintenance plans are being created. The frequency of these failures and the damage to production should be scored. According to the value obtained from the product of these two values, priorities are deter- mined and malfunctions are ranked. Then, all the risks in this list should be tried to be completely eliminated, if this cannot be done, maintenance ac- tivities should be planned to reduce the risk. Points with a risk value above the determined threshold should be defined as critical control points. These risky points should be checked periodically against possible malfunctions and records should be kept. 4. CAUSES OF MALFUNCTIONS The main reasons for the failures that cause unex- pected breakdown stops can be counted as failure to establish an effective maintenance management system, not operating the maintenance process ef- fectively, not keeping records properly, lack of quali- fied maintenance personnel, not allocating sufficient time and personnel for maintenance. Another im- portant reason is that the personnel who are closed to innovation and development cannot keep up with the current technology. Some of these problems are the formation of operational blindness in the per- sonnel working in the same enterprise for a long time, the inability to follow the technological devel- opments and innovations in the sector by the oper- ating personnel. Failure to make timely lubrication