Miller Magazine Issue: 151 July 2022

84 COVER STORY MILLER / JULY 2022 •Maintenance should be recorded. These records should be easily accessible. •The paperwork load should be as low as possi- ble. Here, the document is the vehicle, and the ac- tual maintenance to the machines is the purpose. Foreign management systems that will increase the paperwork load, not the maintenance activity, should be avoided. •Routine maintenance should always be per- formed by properly trained production operators. Only operations beyond the merit of the production personnel should be performed by the maintenance team. •Maintenance respon- sibility should be given to the production oper- ator and the personnel should be ensured to take care of the machine at the maximum level. •The maintenance team should consist of trained personnel with electrical and mechani- cal competence, includ- ing engineers. Person- nel open to innovative development should be supported. •Operational blind- ness is one of the most important obstacles hin- dering the maintenance process. Personnel who have seen new and dif- ferent enterprises should be reinforced into the maintenance teams that have personnel working in the same enterprise for more than ten years. •A part of the maintenance work should be provid- ed from external suppliers, so that current develop- ments should be followed. •MMS should have a preventive maintenance philosophy, have a perspective that will completely eliminate the failure event and solve the problem radically. •Technology should be utilized at the highest lev- el in MMS. In particular, the resistance of the per- sonnel who do not keep up with the development to technological development and change should be broken, and working with these personnel should not be continued. •For the continuous improvement of MMS, the contribution of all personnel to the process should be ensured and the personnel should be encour- aged to suggest corrective and preventive action. 6. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR MMS For an effective MMS, some performance criteria should be selected, targets should be set for these criteria and followed reg- ularly. Some MMS perfor- mance criteria that can be used in the mill are given below. 1) Breakdown Time Rate: It is the ratio of the time stopped due to the malfunction to the total time until the production is completed. 2) Number of Re- placed Bearings: There are many equipment in the mills, especially electric motors that re- quire periodic bearing replacement. The num- ber of bearings replaced in a year by the mainte- nance personnel is an important criterion that shows the intensity of maintenance activities. 3) Budget Used for Maintenance: Another pa- rameter that shows the feasibility of maintenance works is the maintenance budget. Undoubtedly, maintenance can only be done within the budget. 4) Number of Maintenance Personnel per Elec- tric Motor: The number of electric motors in mills can be taken as a reference in the analysis of many basic criteria. This is a parameter that analyzes whether there is a sufficient number of mainte- nance personnel. Figure 3. A Jetmaster device with artificial intelligence technology.