Miller Magazine Issue: 151 July 2022

96 ARTICLE MILLER / JULY 2022 The Conference was organised by the International Grains Council (IGC), an intergovernmental organisa- tion, currently comprising 56 governments, which was established in 1949 to promote transparency in grains, oilseeds, rice and pulses markets and to strengthen co- operation between countries to achieve the freest trade possible. The IGC Secretariat currently publishes a Daily Monitor covering 20 agricultural commodities, a monthly report on the overall balance sheets for 98 countries as well as in- depth analyses on the consumption of these commodities. The IGC also collaborates with several other international organisations such as the International Sugar Organization on ethanol markets, FAO as part of the AMIS-G20 Secretariat for market transparency and the WTO and OECD for optimal use of the IGC’s database. Finally, since 2018, the IGC has developed its collaborative activities with regional organiza- tions, such as MED-Amin, the Eurasian Economic Commis- sion, AfricaRice and IDACA (cooperation in Asian region). The IGC Grains Conference is a unique platform for dialogue between government policy makers and oper- ators in the grains value chain and is part of the Lon- don Grains Week, supported by AHDB, GAFTA, IGC and IGTC. Day one of the 2022 Conference was devoted to dis- cussions on the challenges and opportunities for devel- oping the grains, oilseeds, rice and pulses trade. Day two was dedicated to workshops focused on commodi- ty market opportunities. This format made it possible to broaden the Conference’s audience beyond the trading community to the financial and inputs sectors. The 2022 Conference focused on the perspectives of the grains sectors which are facing challenges from market volatility and sustainability and climate change mitigation measures. All these topics highlighted the strength and resilience of the grains sector for sustain- able food systems: The 31st IGC Grains Conference, which was held in person on 7-8th June 2022, hosted more than 60 international speakers and 320 participants from 60 countries, who came together to discuss how to build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses in the grains value chain. Building resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses IGC Grains Conference 2022: Arnaud Petit Executive Director International Grains Council (IGC)