Miller Magazine Issue: 154 October 2022
77 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM MILLER / OCTOBER 2022 the problems of the former design, mainly in case of heavy-duty operation. Chain Conveyors CC The Chain Conveyors CC cover the conveying capa- city range from 50 t/h (CC200) to 200 t/h (CC420) and from 400 t/h (CC550) to 1000 t/h (CC900) with increa- sing cross dimensions of the cases (e.g. from 185 mm to 900 mm width). The main characteristics of the CC family are: All the cases are bottom lined with HDPE liners by default. The chain return is supported by rollers by default. The drive and tail station are round shaped, and this helps the cleaning and prevent the residual of grain in the machine. All bearing supports are pillow block unit, heavy-du- ty type, installed outside and completely replaceable from outside. The sprockets are divided in two elements in order to be replaced without disassembling the shaft. The sprocket and the gearbox are connected to the drive shaft by a taper bush locking device, in order to prevent pitting and ensure easy maintainability. The whole machine is made of Z600 zinc coated cold rolled hot dip galvanized steel sheets. Belt Bucket Elevators BBE The Belt Bucket Elevators BBE cover the conveying capacity range from 50 t/h (BBE180) to 200 t/h (BBE370) and from 400 t/h (BBE660) to 1000 t/h (BBE1550) with increasing cross dimensions of the cases and belt (e.g. from 200 mm to 1600 mm belt width). The main characteristics of the BBE family are: The drive and tail station are round shaped, for both the steel casing and the wear resistant shield, in order to prevent product residuals and contamination. The drive and tail station are lined with HDPE liners by default. The tail station is equipped with bilateral hinged cleaning door. All bearing supports are pillow block unit, heavy-du- ty type, installed outside and completely replaceable from outside. The drive and tail drum and the gearbox are con- nected to the shaft by a taper bush locking device, in order to prevent pitting and ensure easy maintainability. The drive and tail stations are fitted with dedicated reinforcements in the critical sections. The design and assembly of the legs is completely new for saving transport volume, and with reinforce- ments complying with the static design. The whole machine is made of Z600 zinc coated cold rolled hot dip galvanized steel sheets. Roller Belt Conveyors RBC The Roller Belt Conveyors RBC cover the conveying capacity range from 100 t/h (RBC500M) to 400 t/h (RB- C1000M) with the medium-duty family and from 400 t/h (RBC800H) to 1000 t/h (RBC1400H) with the heavy-duty family with increasing cross dimensions of the cases and belt (e.g. from 500 mm to 1400 mm belt width). The main characteristics of the RBC family are: Medium-duty type conveyors are realized in bent sheet metal design. The range has been completed with the size 1000 mm belt width with 400 t/h capacity.
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