Miller Magazine Issue: 155 November 2022
COVER STORY addition, since it is a standard method, you will get precise and sustainable results compared to NIR and similar devices. With the Brabender Quadrumat Junior, flour millers take the second step towards a quality production by grinding the wheat they supplied, in a precise and standard manner. The wheat sample prepared in the hopper flows into the first dou- ble break roller via an adjustable feed gate on the feed roller. After the first crushing is complete, intermediate screening is done and the sample is directed to the second crushing roller. The sample, of which the second breaking process is completed, moves to the rollers to be broken for the third time. Finally, the sample passing the double roller falls into the round sieve and despite the continuous activity, the de- vice can properly self-clean. Commercially produced flour from the wheat would have a uniform quality. Flour millers and bakery bakers take their third step to pro- duce a quality product with Brabender’s GlutoPeak, “Rapid Flour Analysis” method. The quality of floured vital wheat glu- ten depends on several factors. The quality of the grain from which it is produced, as well as the drying parameters play an important pole on the properties of the gluten. The analysis is based on the recovery ability of gluten, found in wheat flour. A torque diagram is recorded, followed by the speed/flour eval- uation, to determine the results for protein content, wet gluten content, water removal and W value. After defining the mois- ture content of the flour sample, approximately 9 grams of wa- ter and depending on the moisture content of the sample, 3 to 10 grams of flour are filled into the measuring cup. A wa- ter circulator, connected to the body of the device, is heat- ed up to 36 degrees to optimize the analysis conditions, in other words, to ensure a homogeneous temperature distribution in the measuring cup. Thus, all the nec- essary conditions for analysis are met. GlutoPeak’s mixing paddle mixes the sample with the specified rotation speed (rpm) and displays curves according to the recovery time of the sample. If the sample has low gluten properties, it will take longer to recover, therefore the analysis can take 2 to 5 minutes and the gluten peak rises towards the end of the analysis. However, if the gluten properties of the sample are high, the analysis ends in seconds. Because high gluten recovers quickly and easily, so you can see the highest gluten and torque peak in the graph, then the curve distorts and drops due to me- chanical energy input and the measurement ends. With this method, the development and change of gluten in the flour is monitored and plotted within seconds. With the Brabender Farinograph-TS, flour millers take their fourth step towards achieving a quality product, through the analysis of the water removal and rheological properties of their products. Farinograph-TS provides instant information to the user, via MetaBridge software. It records on the chart the re- sistance of the dough, that is formed by the mixture of flour and water, against the deformation and thickening. This deformation occurs against the mixing (torque) movement of the blades in a standard time, speed (rpm) and temperature. In analysis, resis- tance is known as “consistency, stability”. The amount of water added during the pupling process and the ability of the dough to absorb water are analysed. This is 67 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2022 Farinograph-TS
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