Miller Magazine Issue: 155 November 2022
COVER STORY 71 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2022 measures iodine absorption in a diluted flour suspension (1 gram of flour). Over the 10-minute testing period, the more the iodine is absorbed, the more starch damage is present in the flour sample. Verifiable data on starch damage content ensures millers are supplying their baking customers with flour with properties suit- ed for their specific products. Simulate the Baker’s Production Process to Predict Flour Behavior From evaluating wheat at the point of delivery, developing flour blends, or adapting flours for final uses through precise dosing of additives, a lot of guesswork goes into the miller’s evaluation of flour quality. From the baker’s perspective, the best way to test flour qual- Figure 2: Optimum starch damage for various grain products. (relationship between protein levels and optimum starch damage) CHOPIN Technologies SDmatic is an enzyme-free starch damage analyzer recognized by international standards, including NF EN ISO 17715:2015, ICC 172, AACC 76-33.01, and FTWG N°24.
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