Miller Magazine Issue: 155 November 2022
83 INTERVIEW MILLER / NOVEMBER 2022 You are the third-generation manager of Tezcan Un. Can you tell us about the change and transformation that your company and the industry have gone through? We inherited our company from our great-grandfather and father. Now, if God wills, we are making an effort to hand on this legacy to our children. Indeed, our industry has reached these days through very difficult paths. Today, our leading po- sition has a great relationship with the industry’s use of tech- nology very closely. In my childhood, wheat was brought to the factory by trucks and then unloaded by auger and manpower. However, the truck lift, which was invented at that time, provided great convenience to the industry. If we flour industrialists had not been able to adapt to these technologies, we would not have been this successful in flour export today. Because it was not easy to maintain a system based on human resources. Today, modern mills have improved a lot. We know how much value we add to wheat with these modern mills and how valuable we make wheat. But maybe we can’t explain it to people as it is. We, Turkish flour industrialists, produce high-quality and healthy products from wheat together with milling machinery industrialists. These flours have become more varied than you can imagine until they come to the table. In the past, when we said flour, we could think of only one kind of flour. There were very small-scale ovens. But nowadays the bakery industry has become incredible. The point Türkiye has reached in terms of the bakery has remarkably increased. The variety of products offered by the bakeries has increased a lot. ‘WE CAN MAKE SUITABLE PRODUCTS FOR EVERYONE’S RECIPE’ What is the role of the machinery and technologies used by the industry in the success achieved in flour export? We are at a very important point in terms of technologi- cal infrastructure and hardware. Our technology has a great contribution to our leading position. We have products suit- able for everyone’s recipe. We produce what each custom- er wants. Whether the pasta maker wants durum flour, or the biscuit maker wants flour for biscuits, we can produce all. We can produce various flours for the bakery industry. We pro- duce different flours suitable for all kinds of ovens. We devel- op products appealing to the taste buds of the countries we export also considering the weather and climatic conditions. ‘WE FLOURMANUFACTURERS REACH 7 BILLIONPEOPLE’ Indeed, this success of the Turkish flour industry has actu- ally increased the added value of our bakery products sector. If Türkiye has become one of the world’s largest pasta ex-
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