Miller Magazine Issue: 155 November 2022
94 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2022 ARTICLE explosion pressure to a safe outside location and simul- taneously initiate explosion isolation system to prevent propagation of dust explosion to connected vessels. IN feed mills or grain handling facilities, equipment is locat- ed inside a production building thus use of standard ex- plosion relief vents is not possible. Thus cases, flameless vents are used which the flame arresting material sur- rounding the vent panel absorbs the heat from the flame in milliseconds and extinguishes the flame while relieving the reduced pressure to production area. Note that flameless vents can come in multiple forms, the one shown below is an EVN type flameless vent which is a multi-use spring loaded panel design. Example 3 – Explosion Protection of a Feed mill. Hammer- mill with integrated bunker and dust collector are protected via EVN type flameless vents. Explosion detection is done by SmartDS rate of rise type explosion pressure detectors along with IR-13 flame detectors. System owner2s risk as- sessment indicates that explosion is expected either in the filter or in the mill. This protection covers both scenarios. An ATEX approved rotary valve which would not allow for flame
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