Miller Magazine Issue: 155 November 2022
95 MILLER / NOVEMBER 2022 ARTICLE ABOUT THE AUTHOR Emre Ergun is the Managing Director of IEP Technologies Türkiye. He has more than 20 years of experience in the industrial explosion protection field with focus on risk manage- ment, product development, R&D, systems application engineering, standards develop- ment and business development. He holds BS Chemical Engineering from Middle East Tech- nical University, Ankara, MS Engineering Man- agement from Northeastern University Grad- uate School of Engineering, Boston MA and MBA from Babson College, F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business. Mr. Ergun is a certified safety auditor by the National Association of Safety Professionals, NASP. e-mail: REFERENCES 1. Guidelines for Safe Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids, CCPS, AICHE 2. Ref. Instructors Manual, Kirkwood Commu- nity College Community Training and Response Center, Susan Harwood Grant Number SH-17797- 08-60-F-19, 2010 3. Refer to ASTM Subcommittee E27.05 on Ex- plosibility and Ignitability of Dust Clouds 4. Guidelines for Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis, CCPS 5. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process In- dustries, 62, 103928 6. Guidelines for Choosing an Explosion Protec- tion System, Part-1 and Part-2, Powder & Bulk En- gineering, October, November 2011, Emre Ergun. propagation is also used at the mill-bunker screw conveyor out- let by the system owner. Example 4 – Explosion venting and isolation of a dual-leg bucket elevator. This design assumes elevator is located out- doors or close to an outside wall. Explosion isolation is pro- vided using EHRD type suppressors. Explosion detection is done by SmartDS rate of rise explosion pressure detectors along with IR flame detectors. Explo- sion propagation risks to interconnected vessels are minimized with the use of the isolation system. It is critical that all the systems and components used as a part of an ex- plosion protection system should be third party ATEX approved. Explosion pro- tection and prevention systems are life critical systems thus should be designed by system sup- plier’s qualified design en- gineers as well as should be maintained only by manufacturer approved service personnel. Properly designed and protected feed mill or a grain handling facility would provide a safer work environment to the employees while minimizing unplanned downtime due to dust explosions.
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