Miller Magazine Issue: 156 December 2022

72 COVER STORY MILLER / DECEMBER 2022 ing, and it was pointed out that the targets related to the interme- diary system in the ELUS (Electronic Bill of Commodity) market and TÜRİB Futures Exchange are placed on a healthy basis with the evaluation of all stakeholders. The issue of Agricultural Light- ing Platform has been assessed as a remarkable development, and it was underlined that it would serve the system with an insti- tutional structure and qualified human resources. It was stated that the high number of varieties in wheat is an is- sue that is frequently emphasized. It has been evaluated that this is due to the diversity in the topographic structure of our coun- try, such as soil structure, changes in altitude, slope and vector, temperature, precipitation amount and distribution, air humidity differences, and changes in irrigation facilities, and it has been stated that the development of varieties that will adapt to these differences will continue. From this point of view, it was empha- sized that there is a need for studies on accepting products by classifying them according to variety groups in each color scale instead of only variety in storage and purchases. It was underlined that agricultural production is the scene of the intensive use of technology, and our country must keep up with this development with its human resources and innovative industrialists, and that we need to go faster in smart technologies through prioritization and organizational developments. In addition, it was emphasized that the social projects that will prevent the emptying of the villages and aging of the popula- tion therein, which plays a leading role in agricultural production, should be put into practice effectively. As many people have recently expressed, it has been point- ed out that the shift of plains and agricultural lands, which are very fertile for field crops, to perennial horticultural production has reached a remarkable level. It was emphasized that al- though these products are valuable and most of them are ex- ported, they cause shrinkage of cultivation areas of the strate- gic products such as cereals, oil crops and grain legumes. The significance of working on measures to stop the trend in this regard was emphasized. It has been underlined that the problem of idle capacity in the flour industry has been going on for years and that a thrilling solu- tion couldn’t have been found, and that it was expectated that the problem will continue also in the coming years. It was high- lighted that the relevant institutions must spend intensive work- ing hours to solve this problem, and that the short-term solution for now is through reaching more foreign markets. The flour industry in Turkey has followed a constantly de- veloping and renewing course, mostly from grandfather to grandchild and this is the fact why it has such a widespread sales network in the world and ranks first in flour export. The fact that it analyzes the world well, determines the type of flour demanded by each geography and produces accordingly is the proof of the innovative aspect of the flour industry. It was emphasized that the continuation of this development aspect without skipping any geographical area is necessary for the continuity of its power. It was mentioned that analyzing today and tomorrow for the flour industry to develop new products by concentrating its inno- vative aspect on the field of bakery products is a must. Emphasiz- ing the importance of benefiting from the academic experience of universities in the development of these products, attention was drawn to systemizing the university-industry cooperation.