Miller Magazine Issue: 156 December 2022
83 ARTICLE MILLER / DECEMBER 2022 OBJECTIVES OF A PTS The main purpose of interlaboratory comparisons used in PTS is the evaluation of the performance of laboratories for specific tests or measurements and monitoring labora- tories’ performance. In addition, participation in a PTS also enables the labo- ratory to: - identification of analytical problems who may be relat- ed to inadequate test or measurement procedures, effec- tiveness of staff training and supervision, or calibration of equipment, - demonstrate the accuracy of their results to third parties and customers, - compare the methods used by the laboratories, - and to validate the uncertainties measurement claimed by the laboratories. HOW TO PARTICIPATE TO A PTS? Participation in a PTS follows a classic and simple pattern: after registering the laboratory to the PTS of interest, the lab- oratory receives the samples according to the defined sched- ule and carries out the analysis. After the results’ transmission, a statistical treatment is carried out before the report is sent. The report is provided to the laboratory with several in- formation. Firstly, an overall summary of the results which includes the data of totality of laboratories. The report con- tains information about the design of the program, samples manufacturing, controls and the raw data including statisti- cal treatment, Secondly, an individual summary of its results with a judgement of its performance by criteria is delivered. AVAILABLE PROGRAMS IN THE FIELDS OF FLOUR MILLING AND GRAINS In this field, BIPEA offers a wide range of proficiency test- ing schemes in chemistry and microbiology, with real matri- ces’ samples. BIPEA offers several proficiency tests depend- ing on different types of analysis, and based on a wide range of real matrices: flours, semolina, grains, wheat, soya…The analysis of these samples must be carried out under routine conditions in terms of the procedures and applied methods. Chemistry analysis: The flour milling programs are offered as a whole and account for a variety of analytical parame- ters such as ash content, fat acidity, gluten, falling number, moisture content with flour or semolina matrices. Microbiological analysis: A program dedicated enumer- ation of several microorganisms in fresh flour (refrigerated samples) and detection of Salmonella spp. SOME OF BIPEA’S PROGRAMS PTS 02 - Flour: physico-chemical analyses and alveo- graph: This program brings all together 296 participants from 48 countries around the world for flour analysis ac- cording to the following analytical parameters: Ash content, Falling number (Hagberg-Perten), Manual & mechanical glu- ten, gluten index, Moisture content, Protein content, Amylo- graph, Ascorbic Acid… PTS 41 - Flour: Rheofermentometer: With about ten par- ticipants worldwide, several analytical criteria are proposed, including: Water volume added, Temperature of the dough, Dough Development, Gaseous release… PTS 72 - Flour: Mixolab standard protocol: This trial, which brings together 24 participants from 11 countries, in- vites laboratories to analyze flour according to 2 parameters: Torque, Time and temperature at step C1, C2, C3, C4, C5. PT 56 - Microbiology on flours: Around 37 laboratories from more than 20 countries participate in this program. This trial consists of analyzing contaminated flours samples for enumeration of several microorganisms in fresh flour and detection of Salmonella spp. PTS are reliable quality control tools for flour milling that improve confidence in test results obtained by analytical laboratories. These tools used in the framework of quality control management of a laboratory will allow to give infor- mation about the classification and the quality of the flour. The consequences of deviation in the analytical results of a laboratory are numerous and can lead to the emergence of crises within the flour milling industries that can impact con- sumer health and jeopardize the industries’ economy. PTS are crucial for detecting analytical derivatives in laboratories performances, hence is helping with favoring a corrective measure over another. The increase in demand from laboratories to take part in PTS proves the interest for laboratories in their quality con- trol approach according to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard re- quirements. The sustainability for participation in these PTS is a key to helping laboratories to have confidence in their results, in the calibration of their instruments by providing precise reference values and data. Ensuring flour safety is a daily challenge for testing laboratories that are continually seeking to improve efficiency, productivity and profitability. ABOUT THE BIPEA BIPEA is a non-profit scientific organization created in 1970 and currently offers a wide range of proficiency testing and external reference materials for quality con- trol testing laboratories. ISO 17043 accredited (scope 1-1495 available on ) and ISO 9001 certi- fied, BIPEA gathers over 2500 testing laboratories from 120 countries. With our experience, we offer a range of services to testing laboratories and manufacturers in various fields such as food, environment, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. BIPEA’s core activity is to enhance the performance of laboratories and works its position up as a privileged partner of testing laboratories.
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